The Lovers (R) - Face your conflicting beliefs - use your "free will" to examine and choose what beliefs you will accept. You achieve your sense of self worth from others or you recognize your responsibility to choose your personal reality as you desire it. Allow your inner, intuitive mind to guide you so that your ego can form and begin to function in the world. You cannot upset the natural drives within yourself - they are forces which must be recognized for what they are and dealt with the best you can. You can not evade, avoid or deny the way you are made. Your actions are causing others to feel unstable - seek a balanced expression of both the material and spiritual - combine your reason and imagination. When in a proper relationship - the total effect is called "grace". There is a descent from your Higher Self that completely engulfs your personality in a blissful feeling - you can tell you are experiencing "bliss" when little things move your "spirit".

Your romantic immaturity and childish fantasies have involved you in a relationship which has become destructive. It is dominated by romantic or sexual addictions and this is creating difficulties for you in relating to other people. Indecision is not your friend. Seek that which represents the gifts of the spirit - apply to the "inner" principle and you will always get a true intuition for an answer. When you arrive at a higher level, there is never any need for display - truly generous people have no awareness of it - what they do is perfectly natural for them. Your Higher Self is always working and will eventually overcome any obstacles, as the complexities of a love affair resolve into a reciprocal working relationship of a permanent quality, flowing back and forth.

Distortion - society and the group may dominate the individual. Female who looks for her hero-mate and the male becomes an intruder or is considered evil itself. Male who looks for his heroine as his source of security and she is reduced to a toy, an object, an obstacle or burden rather than a source of energy. Marriage of convenience

Questions to Answer: What significant relationship are you involved in? How does this relationship mirror your own sense of self-worth? What choice or decision do you need to make? What responsibility will you have to take based on your decision? What needs to be combined, synthesized or brought together?