Neen help in focusing your thoughts?
- affirmations can help you maintain a solid focus.
it is Universal Law
I FEEL it...
it is already a reality in my life
I EXPECT it...
I am willing and deserve to receive
I GIVE THANKS for it...
I am grateful and acknowledge this creation
God, I know you bless me with the spiritual life,
spiritual messages and spiritual gifts that allow me to serve you
in my highest and best capacity. I ask that your will be done in all things,
providing the highest and best good for all concerned
- harming no one and benefiting everyone, including myself
All travel expenses are always covered - this
includes time-off from work, any travel fares, all food,
lodging, entertainment, extras, equipment and supplies.
There is never a "debt" and I always travel "first class".
The same applies to any traveling companion
I ask that God's will be done in all things.
I am not the "source" - God heals through me,
even when I am unaware of it. I am His vessel.
He heals others through me and I am healed in the process
God - What is the next single thing for me to do
or know, to remain in a State of Divine Grace?
I ask that God's will be done in all things.
That His "Love and Light" heal any wounds or
misunderstandings - creating an environment of love,
peace and harmony throughout the earth and the Universe
My home (no matter where I am) - always provides for all my needs,
wants, comforts and desires - freeing me to focus my energy on serving
instead of surviving. Any expenses are always covered through financial prosperity
I ask that God's will be done in all things.
That His "love and light" heal any wounds or
misunderstandings - creating an environment
of love, peace and harmony
God always provides me with the knowledge and education
required to serve Him in my highest and best capacity - through
study, insight and intuition - always in the spirit of love, joy,
happiness, peace, harmony and unity
"State-of-the-Arc" equipment and supplies are provided,
instantly, for anything that I need - always through financial
abundance...including any maintenance, cost or supplies
All expenses are always covered on my automobile or any
transportation that I use - this includes cost, maintenance, fuel,
any necessary equipment and supplies. There is never a "debt"
and I always travel first class
God provides stability in my life - my home, my travels,
my family, my career, my service to him, my goals, my happiness,
my joys and my peace of mind, body, emotion and spirit
God, I trust you with all my heart and I place this part
of my life entirely in your hands. I know you will bless my life
with relationships that serve only my highest and best good
God, I trust you completely to always provide me with the insight,
ability and protection required to communicate your message in the
spirit of joy, happiness, love, peace, harmony, prosperity and unity.
When people hear and see me - it is always your message that touches
their hearts, their spirits and their thoughts
My body is is a miracle and it always heals itself instantly.
It perfectly maintains all the bodily functions without my having to do anything.
It reviews, regenerates and revitalized itself - always providing me with the
energy, strength and endurance to accomplish any task set before me
God always guides and directs my footsteps to be
in the right place at the right time, so that I might receive
that which provides for my best and highest good and the
best and highest good of all concerned
God protects my children, my family and my grandchildren.
All their needs, desires, wants, hopes and dreams are provided for
- always in the spirit of joy, love, peace and happiness and always
in a state of financial abundance
God always provides for all my needs, wants, comforts
and desires through financial abundance - freeing me to focus
my energy on serving him and helping others. No debt occurs
- all is supplied debt free and there is never a need to "pay it back" later
God, I place my career and my destiny in your hands,
for I know you bless me with that which allows me to serve
you in my highest and best capacity - always in the spirit
of happiness, joy, love, peace, harmony, prosperity and unity
God blesses me with the creative abilities needed to serve him
in my highest and best capacity. When I don't know what to do or say
- He always provides the answer, at that very instant - through insight,
intuition or guidance