We proudly displays our collection of 128 Site Awards
The Crystal Team

Congratulations Diana!!! Your Web Site has been reviewed and I have enjoyed my visit to your site and you have won my "DOVE Award For Website Excellence" for all your hard work in creating your site!! Keep up the great work! God Bless, DOVE

"Best of the Web" Award
I'm very pleased to welcome Buddy Merrick and Praise
to Church Host's Christian Websites "Best of the Web" Award family. Your site exemplifies the type of Christian Content and message that we would like to recognize on the World Wide Web. By accepting this award, your site joins other Christian Websites around the world dedicated to spreading the Word of God on the Internet. May God continue to bless your good work. In Christ, Joel Jensen - President / CEO JBrosInc-Internet dba Church Host - "and the Gospel must first be preached to all nations..." Mark 13:10
GA's Web Design
After reviewing your site, we are pleased to present you with GA's Bronze Award. You have created a very nice site, indeed. The time and effort you've put into your site is clearly evident. We congratulate you on a job well done - continued good luck with your website! Glenn Akiyama GA's Web Design
Exceptional Sites Award - Brajusta Publishing
Hello, Your final site review has been completed. Congratulations! Your site, Crystal Clear Reflections, has been selected to receive the Exceptional Sites Award! This award is given based upon merit only. Sites are judged upon design, load time, navigation and content. There are only forty winning sites listed at all times. New award sites are added to the top of the list while the bottom site is deleted. Your site will remain listed until it reaches the bottom and is deleted. Many submit, but few sites are chosen. We found your site to be very well designed, easily navigated and full of content. A nice contribution to our internet community. Keep up the great work! Your site is being showcased in our Exceptional Sites and our "Marketing Adzine". The best of luck to you :- ) Best Regards, Shelley Lowery Exceptional Sites Brajusta Publishing
Extreme Women
We have reviewed your site with pleasure. What a collection you have compiled on your site! It was a lot of fun surfing through the poetry, artwork and your collection of links. Your inkings are just beautiful, btw! Listing computer parts and support URLs is a nice touch, as everyone needs them at one time or another. Both your aspirations and accomplishments more than entitle you to our prestigious award. Congratulations! The Extreme Women Awards Committee
You've been selected as an Attitude Award winner! Congratulations! We believe your site adds something special to the net. We also believe the Attitude Award will bestow true benefits to you! It should help your traffic stats to be linked on our Winners page, since we get thousands of hits per day. Congratulations Again! Gayla Schue Awards Director
Dusty's Corner
Hi...I enjoyed my visit to your site and I have attached my award for you...keep up the great work - "Duster Jo"
Heartbeat's One & Two - 50's & 60's
Hello Diana, We just visited your pages and we're Happy to report that you are indeed a Heartbeat's One & Two's Groovy Site winner! Congratulations! You really do have a lovely site and it put us in such a great mood. Your site is really great. Your art work is beautiful. Thanks so much for visiting our site and for signing our Year Book too! Have a fun day & a prosperous Year! Beverly aka Heartbeat # Two
Stacie's Designs
Congratulations! Your site has been chosen to receive the True Style Award. We were impressed with the work you put into your site. Sincerely, Stacie's Designs
The Kids Place
Congratulations your site has been nominated AND chosen to win the "Web-Site Excellence" Award! This is NOT given to everyone, consider your Web-Site something special!! Keep up the excellent work on your web-site, we really did enjoy our visit!! Once again, congratulations on a great web-site! Sincerely, ALL of us at The Kids Place
Congrats! you win! Bob o link - Way Cool Site Award
The Bright Blades Award!
For having a sharp page! CONGRATULATIONS! Some one that thought that your page is sharp submitted it for this award. I feel that your page deserves to win the Bright Blades award, so here you are. Again, congratulations and keep up the good work. I will be creating a page that will show all the winners of this award, so come visit us often. Sincerely, Jan Stephan Lundquist, President/Owner Bright Blades Inc.
Web Pro Group
Congratulations! Your site has won the WPG Goldsite award! Congratulations on a Great web site! C. Troy McKenna, Founder - Web Pro Group
"Arts & Entertainment" Award
ABAS Cool Site Award
I'm happy to announce that you have won the Basse's Homepage Award! During the extensive and rigorous review of your Home Page I decided unanimously that you were worthy of the Award! My link to your winning site is up! Regards Basse
Do you have a favorite website...now you can submit it to over 600 award sites...great promotion for your own site!
MSI thanks you for the opportunity to look at your wonderful website. Our Germany and USA Team Creations staff performed a complete web site evaluation consisting of loading speed, use of graphics, links, theme and overall layout. Your site scored very well and we are pleased to present you our bronze award. Thank you from the internet community for a job well done. Team Creations Review Board
Home & Hearth - "The Light" Award
Buddy Merrick & Praise Site
I was very impressed by all the hard work you have put into the
"Buddy Merrick & Praise" website and have to congratulate you on an wonderful achievement in web site design, both in appearance and content. May the Lord continue to bless you as you serve Him in your music and via your internet site. To God be the Glory, Ben - "May your life be like a snowflake, leaving a mark, not a stain."
ByRegion Healers - Best of Websites Award
Dear Diana, Congratulations! We have reviewed your website, and it certainly qualifies for our ByRegion Award. Good job! We are happy to be associated with your website! Namaste, Susan Parker ByRegion.net
Nielsen - Bronze Award
Hi Diana, I enjoyed surfing your site, and I am sure everybody else will too. You have won the Bronze Award! Eric Nielsen - Nielsen Web Sites & Business Graphics
Taibug's Doodles "Cool Site" Award
Hi Diana, I am pleased to award you with the cool site award. Tai Li Anderson - Taibug's Doodles
CYSPACE Pro Global Web "GOLD" Award
Congratulations! A very nice job. Well designed and easy to navigate. Lots of great content! A real pleasure to look around. Definitely an asset to the global internet community. Please accept this award with our thanks. Again Congrats! Bruce
Jeff Hobrath Art Studio Web Award
Congrats! You won the Jeff Hobrath Art Studio Web Award! Great Job, Jeff -- Chief, United States Navy -- The Jeff Hobrath Art Studio
Submission Pro! Pro Site Award!
Hello, Your site has been awarded the Submission Pro! Pro Site Award! We would like to thank you for taking the time to make the Internet a better place. Without you and others like you, the Internet wouldn't be what it is today. We appreciate your hard work and effort and would like to give you our award. On behalf of all of us here at Submission Pro! and of our 8,000 users...Congratulations!! Regards, Submission Pro!
The Eagles Nest - High Flying Award!
Diana, I have visited your web site and was very pleased, I liked the layout and design. You've done a great job - keep it up. I'm attaching my award (which is well deserved) and I've also added you to my list of winners. The Eagles Nest
George's "King of the Jungle" Award!
Hi there Diana, I just got back from visiting your site and thought it was great! So...Congratulations!!!! You have been selected to receive the "King Of The Jungle" award for outstanding excellence in your web page design. The attached award may be placed on your page if you so desire, but you are not obligated to in any way. Please wear our award with pride as your page deserves it! Good luck and continued success with your wonderful site!
JCMC Marketing Group - Business Site of the Week Award!
Congratulations! You have won the JCMC Marketing Group Business Site of the Week! Once again, congratulations and keep up the Great Work! Best Regards, Jackie McCutcheon, diana
A Long Way From Home! "Creativity Award!
Hi Thank You for participating in our Exclusive award club for dianas. We are pleased to have You aboard. We have received Your application for the "Creativity Award". We have been at Your site and surfed around for a while. We like what we have seen, it's well done and easy to navigate. We give this award to people or companies who have a nice site - one that does not have lots of images copied from other pages. Your page has to be easy to navigate and responsive (not slow). And the most important is that You have some good information in the site. We feel that your site belong in that group. You have done a great job. You are now the proud owner of the "Creativity Award". Keep up the good work. See You @ the Net! Regards - Cre@tive / Crew
Le Fantome - Award of Execellence!
I love your pages...I would be pleased to present you an award. I have also sent your page to my email list so you should get some extra hits on your page too. Thanks - Bill
Laslo's Web Page Design "Excellence" Award
CONGRATULATIONS! You have just been awarded the Laslo's Web Page Design, EXCELLENCE AWARD for the year 1998. Once again, congratulations on your award and be sure to visit us often! Laslo Fodor CEO/Owner
IndyNet's - December HotSpots
Congratulations, your site was selected for IndyNet's - December's HotSpots. Roy Olsen
Internet Brothers - Bronze Plaque for Helpware Excellence
Dear Diana, Congratulations, you are a winner of the Internet Brothers Bronze Plaque for Helpware Excellence. In reviewing your site I have found it to be worthy of attention. You should be very proud of the work you have done. No scrimping on content here. Using a portion of the old phrase, "you can please all of the people some of the time", I'd say you've got the bases pretty well covered with your wealth of topics. I've rarely encountered such a diverse Web site. Judging from your extremely impressive background, it's easy to see why you have so many interests. Thanks for sharing them with the Internet community. I usually try to share my simple-minded opinion with my visitors about suggestions for improvement. On your site I would suggest some work on the consistency. At times it seemed as though it was a combination of what used to be several different Web sites. Thank you for your interest and continued good luck with your website! Sincerely, Jeff Clark - Internet Brothers
Lancelot's Castle - "Award of Excellence"
Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Be It known throughout this land that Crystal Clear Reflections has been presented the "Lancelot Award of Excellence", and is entitled to all the benefits that come with this award, until which time they may receive an award of more prestige! Congratulations! Sir Lancelot
SuccessMall's "Marketing Hot Site" Award
Congratulations! Your site has been chosen a SuccessMall.com "Marketing HOT SITE Award" winner! Great combination of free resources and valuable marketing services... a wealth of information! As a Marketing HOT SITE Award winner, you get a Free LIFETIME traffic producing link at SuccessMall! Every week from now on, I'll also remind my entire 'Success Secrets' subscriber base to visit your site! Once again, congratulations! Keep up the good work. Best Regards, Martin Franzen - SuccessMall.com founder
NewSong's Online - Best of 1998
Buddy Merrick & Praise Site
Congratulations! Your site has chosen as the Best of 1998. You have a great looking site. It is very well organized and easy to navigate. It's been a true pleasure browsing your pages. This award is for the sites that have and show responsible contributions to the Internet. Your site will be listed on the 1998 Awarded Sites Page Your site will also qualify for the Featured Site section of the NewSong Online Home Page along with a special listing on the Best of 1998 Sites Page that will insure you of even more hits on yer counter! Peace in Jesus - DaNo / NewSong Online Ministries
Hello! Congrats! You have won the Top 5% of the web award! Well done, you have a great webpage, it is a delight you have you win my award. Warm regards and thanks -- Peter / gold99
Cyberonline's "Platinum Site Award
We have finished our review and are very happy to inform you that your site is a WINNER. Congratulations. We think your site is well designed and has excellent content. As an award winner, you are eligible to list your site in our Award Winners Directory, which is similar to Yahoo and more, with the ability to search, rate a site, write a review.. Listing your site in our award winners directory, helps your site get a lot of exposure. Thank you, and we would appreciate if you let your friends know about Cyber Platinum Award. Sincerely, Cyberonline Online Mall
KJEM'S "Most Treasured Site" Award
CONGRATULATIONS !! YOU HAVE WON KJEM'S Most Treasured Site AWARD !! On the basis of content, artistic originality and usefulness to the Internet community. Good luck with your website! KJEM
Merchantfind Network's - Gold Award
Congratulations! You have been awarded the Gold Award from the Merchantfind Network. This is a highly sought after award, and less than 25% of Internet sites receive this award. It is one to be proud. When you have updates to your site please resubmit them to us for further review. Again, congratulations, and good luck on your Internet Marketing experience. Sincerely, Stephen W. Gonyou Vice President The Merchantfind Network
Real Marketing's - Marketing Excellence Award
Congratulations, Your site has been reviewed and you have won our Marketing Excellence Award. Your site is speedy, informative,and excellent design. We enjoyed your site and it will be featured in our winners circle in the near future. Again - Congratulations in becoming one of our winners. Much success to you. Dave McDuff - Real Marketing
RAVI's - Elite Site Award
Congratulations! Your Web site has been selected to win an Elite Site Award. This award signifies that your site contains quality content and has skillful design. Your site has been chosen by me, Ravi, to be an "elite" site. By displaying the award on your site, you are notifying your visitors that your site is among the best of the Web. For only the best have a chance to win such a prestigious award.
What is my reason for having an awards site? To give credit where credit is due. I know and you probably know that it takes a lot of time and effort to create a quality site. For this reason, I feel everyone who has achieved their goal of maintaining an overall "elite" site deserves at the least, a badge of honor. Why do I have the authority to judge which sites are good/bad? I don't. I don't judge which sites are good or bad, I give the award to sites, that in MY opinion are high quality. My standards are high, and I feel that it should be a proud thing to display the Elite Site Award on your site. Again, congrats!
HART Enterprises "Fly With Eagles" Award
Dear Fly With Eagles Nominee: I just finished visiting your web page - very nice job! It is evident you have/do spend a lot of time on your site. I would be honored if you would accept the citation below. Please note because of the significance and background of our award, less than 40% of those nominated are selected. Best regards Bruce Hart
HART Enterprises Citation
Congratulations! Your web page has been selected to receive the "FLY WITH EAGLES" award presented by HART Enterprises. This award was implemented because in 1984, as the result of an accident while serving as an officer on active duty with the US Army, I became a quadriplegic, paralyzed from the chest down. In a veterans hospital for 10 months, I was among many young men struggling to put a sense of worth back into their lives. I always admired our national symbol, the bald eagle, for its strength, courage and beauty, and its ability to soar on the slightest of winds. It was what those of us in the hospital were trying to do - muster up the strength and courage to live our lives with the least amount of help. Now I am in a position financially, physically, and spiritually to recognize others for their efforts. Thus, the "Fly With Eagles" award was born. We surf the net looking for worthy web pages. And, in some cases, web pages are recommended to us. Your respect for proper NET ETHICS and your ability to display your web page in a LOGICAL, INFORMATIVE, and CREATIVE format places you among only a handful of web masters that have received this award.
Sincerely Bruce Hart LTC USA (Ret) - Life Member of the Paralyzed Veterans of America
Pinnacle-Club - Web Author's Choice Award
We have recently taken a tour of your web site and feel that your site meets the criteria of our Web Author's Choice Award...Congratulations! In addition to content, design, ease of navigation, your site was viewed with several different browsers as well as 2 or 3 different sized monitors. Often, web sites look very different depending on which browser and/or monitor you are utilizing. Your site in particular is very well thought out, informative and very navigable. A definite "Bookmark" on our system! You are now considered a Pinnacle-Club member. Welcome to the club! Rick
Artistic Reality "Cool Reality" Award
Cool Reality Award. - You Won! Congratulations on your site! Your site has been awarded the "Cool Reality" Award. This award is given to sites that have elegant graphics, content, and a cool sense of being about it. Have a good day! Jon Osbeck - Artistic Reality.
The Orchid Lady's - Orchid Award for Page Excellence
Congratulations ! I am very proud to present the "Orchid Award for Page Excellence" award to you in recognition of your hard work in the creation of such an excellent page. I think you have done an outstanding job on your site! Your site will join the exclusive WINNERS LIST shortly. Once again, Congratulations on an Excellent Web Site! Linda - The Orchid Lady
Quatec's "Website Design" Award
Hello and Congratulations! We are pleased to announce that your submission for the Quatec Website Design Award has been approved. Your site was reviewed for originality, usefulness of information, graphic design, and was found to add an outstanding artistic flair, careful and concise design, and a wealth of information. Your site only enhances the originality of our Internet community. Job well done! Thank you very much for your submission and good luck with your website! The Staff at Quatec Solutions
"Intune Web Site Award"
Congratulations!!!! You have been selected to receive the "Intune Web Site Award" for outstanding excellence in your web page design. The attached award may be placed on your page if you so desire, but you are not obligated to in any way. Please wear our award with pride as your page deserves it! Good luck and continued success with your site! Richard Laces - INTUNE WEB ENGINEERING - Web Design-Networking Solutions
"Killer Web Award"
Dear Diana, Please forgive the amount of time fit took for me to access your site. I've been swamped! Plus giving awards can be a time trap, because when I get there I find all these interesting things to view and often I spend MUCH longer than I intended. As I did at your site! And I only scimmed the surface as you have a great amount of content. I thouroughly enjoyed your joke section and your Inkings. You certainly qualify to receive the "Killer Web Award". Well done! Your work is appreciated. Best Regards, Janet McClure - RoyceArt.
JP's Web - "Cool Site Of The Week" Award
Hi and congratulations! Your site is one of the winners of the "Cool Site Of The Week" Award from JP's Web! Your site will be put at the winners-list as soon as possible. Jan Petterson - JP's Web
Telework Unlimited Canada - "Six-Pack" Showcase
Hello, the "Crystal Clear Reflections" site has been Six-Packed for December 15, 1998. The Six-Pack showcases a variety of sites that may be of interest to the Internet Public. Pat Cashin - Six-Pack -Telework Unlimited Canada
Surfers Choice Internet Directory
Hi Diana: Really enjoyed visiting with you. You have given your site such a nice personal touch and welcome feeling. Having your picture on-line is wonderful. Especially with that winning smile. Your site is welcome at our Surfers Choice Internet Directory. In reviewing your site it is also my feeling that it is qualified for our "Best of the Web" Internet Award site based on the service it provides for the Web - I thank you and welcome you to Surfers Choice Internet Directory. Best Regards, Wally Gross, SC Review Team Leader
CyberTeddy's Top 500 WebSite Award
Congratulations! Your Site has been listed on the People's Choice WebSite 500 and awarded CyberTeddy's Top 500 WebSite award. Thanks, teddy@CyberTeddy-Online.com
The Spyder's Empire Home Page Cool Site Awards
Hello...Thank you for applying for The Spyder's Empire Home Page Cool Site Awards. I have chosen your site as a winner. Thankyou again, and congradulations! ~§pyder~ Nancy Imelda Schafer - Spyder's Empire
The "TechSpot" Award
Dear TechSpot Award Applicant - Your website has been selected as a site that adds content and style to the World Wide Web. Thank you for applying. ~TSpotAward
The "DevilKid" Award
Hi Diana - Congratulations on winning my "DevilKid" Award. I paid a visit to your Site and I must say, you have done an Excellent Job - I enjoyed it very much. You have an Awesome Page. It is easy to see that you have worked hard on your Pages - they are Really Great. Your Pages have great Design and show excellent creativity and originality - you have Lots to be Proud of. Overall everything was arranged in a very Comfortable way which made it really easy to Navigate through all your Pages. Your Links are Great and I have to tell you I was really Impressed - I think you are really Creative and I have bookmarked your Site so that I can go Back and check it out Again and look for any new Updates. You did a great Job and I Think My DevilKid is going to fit right in with the Theme of your Page. You Truly have a Great Home Page, deserving of The DevilKid Award. Keep up the Great work Diana.
Thanks and Once again I want to say Great Job and Congratulations Diana on a Job Well Done! By the Way if Your Looking for a Good Webring To Join Check Out My GMG Web Ring. Your Page is Really Great and it would sure make a great addition to My Ring I would love to have your Awesome Page as a Part of GMG - Please Consider it, Thanks. ~KRIS~
A A Project Juno - Silver Award for Outstanding Quality
Congratulations. I have visited your site and I think it certainly deserves an award. It is a good quality site and I hope that it fulfils all that you set out to achieve. No doubt that you will receive many awards for a site of this nature. I will visit back from time to time, to check the site still exists. Your site has been given the Silver Award for Outstanding Quality.
The Silver award is issued to sites that gain between 41 and 60 points. This award is our mid range trophy. Sites will still have to surprise us to be awarded this emblem. Still difficult to gain. Your site must still be appealing to us in the quality we expect. This award has been granted to you by JUNO ENTERPRISES (A A Project Juno). Please display the award with pride. Congratulations once more. Regards Glenn AA Project Juno (Team Leader)
SpiritualNetwork - Lotus Light Award
Greetings Diana, We are honored to present your Website the Lotus Light Award for web excellence. Our multi-denominational organization, SpiritNetwork commends you on your wonderful site. The Lotus Light is awarded on the basis of useful information content, presentation of content, and graphic design, in that order. Each recipient is chosen from a group of Websites which are nominated by a staff member or any individual who chooses to nominate a site from SpiritNetwork where Recipients' Links will be featured. Keep up the great work you're doing as a valuable resource on the Information Highway! Blessings, Rev. Francine
Oklady43's Award of Excellence
Congratulations! I have started a new page soon, listing all of my award winners and would like to get you added as soon as possible to that list. Please put it where everyone can see it. Show it off !!!! You Earned it!!!!! Once Again Congratulations! Sincerely, Oklady43
COO's Bravo! Award
COO Excellence Award

Hello Diana, I have a surprise for you! I know you were applying for the COO Excellence Award, but your site is so very fantastic that I am sending COO's Bravo! Award which cannot be applied for. Congratulations! You will be featured starting today. You do wonderful work! Blessings, Selarashanos - Celebration Of Oneness
Artis "Hot Site" Award
Congratulations! Dear diana, I am happy to congratulate you for winning this prestigious award: "Artis Hot Site Award". This award is given to an high temperament, active and interesting web site. You are granted hereby a license to display our graphics on your website. Best wishes for a job well done, Jo :) - Artis Award Team
Beyond Human Comprehension Award
Hello Diana ! You received this message because your Site was nominated for the Beyond Human Comprehension Award. I have visited your Site, checked it very attentively, every word and every image...and guess what? You are a WINNER!!! My congratulations! You have a really perfect and outstanding Site! When ready, please email me so that I can put you in the Hall of Fame. Sincerely yours, Eugene Grachov
Web Creations - Graphic Design Award of Excellence
Dear Diana Rogers, Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to review your site. I was very impressed by all the hard work you have put into your web site. I found it to be excellent, very well designed in both the layout and its content. I really enjoyed my visiting. Congratulations on a job well done! Best regards, Xung - Web Creations Graphic Design Specialist & Web Page Creations.
RetroWarehouse "SUPER" Award of Excellence
SuperSite! Your Web site was recently nominated for a RetroWarehouse "SUPER" Award of Excellence. We have visited your site and would like to acknowledge your efforts via a token of our appreciation. Congratulations on having a "SuperSite". Again, please accept my compliments on your site. You are providing a superior service to the Web community. Ciao...Suzie Que
Catarific's World - Purrfect Site Award
Hi Diana! Visited your very professional site and found it fascinating! We would be happy to give you our award. Let us know when you have the award up and we would be happy to add you to our winner's circle page! Thanks for sharing your wonderful site with us! Sue
Carla's Rose - Award of Elecellence
Hi, Very nice pages, I enjoyed them. I like pages with good information, good graphics as yours has. Keep up the good web work. Your page has been entered on my award winners page. A nice site, that deserves my award. Thanks Have a good Day - Carla
Coyote's Country "Choice Site" Award
Diana, I checked out your site. It's great. Very enjoyable. Good luck in all your endeavors. Please accept my award. Take care, Gary
Caroline's Best of the Web "Spider" Award
Hi Diana - I am pleased to tell you that your site has won my award! You applied to receive my Good Site Award but I thought your site was worthy of my Spider Award as it is a true asset to the web! I have attached both and you may display either or both if you wish. I have listed you in my "Winners" site. Thank you for applying - Best wishes for the future - Caroline
Exminster Dot Co "Cool Site" Award
Congratulations to you! Your web site is very worthy of receiving the Exminster Dot Co Cool Site Award. I had a really good time wandering the pages of your web site, which apart from looking really good, is clearly the result of a lot of hard work. I am more than happy to offer you my cool site award. A link back to my site would be good. Anyway, keep up the good work and may the last year of this century be a good one for you. Regards, Graham Url of Exminster - In the Heart of Englands WestCountry.
Randi's "Awesome Webpage" Award
Dear Diana, Congratulations! You've won my award! :) I thought your page was very well done and creative and I enjoyed my stay. :) Email me when you have the award on your page so I can add you to my winners list! :) Once again, congratulations and keep up the great work!! Randi
Electronic Reproductions Australia - ERAust "7" Award
Diana, Thank-you for submitting your site for the ERAust site award. We are pleased to announce that your site has received a rating of 7. This is a very good site. It is original in both its presentation and content, showing good colour co-ordination.
A couple of places where we felt the site could be improved:
- have the email address written on the screen and not just a link or image. Many people have web based email and need to be able to cut and paste the address. So having eraust@yahoo.com is better than just "click here to email me".
- letting other people know what screen size and browser to use to get the most out of your site can be very helpful.
- the frames pages have to many scroll bars. Some of the pages have 6 scroll bars making navigation very tedious. We try to design our sites with goal of having only 1 or at the most 2 scroll bars.
- text screens keep expanding as the screen size is increased. With screen sizes greater than 800x600 it makes reading them tiring to say the least.
The site has some great potential but could to with some fine-tuning. Getting people to surf on into your site is one thing. Having them comes back a second and third time is about how the mechanics of the site work. Placing the award on your site will qualify your site to be listed in the ERAust Hall of Fame. Andrew Butler Electronic Reproductions Australia
Web-Source.net - "Gold Exceptional Sites" Award
Hello, Your final site review has been completed. Congratulations! Your site, Crystal Clear Reflections, has been selected to receive the Gold Exceptional Sites Award. This award is given based upon merit only. Sites are rated based upon overall appearance and balance, loading times, navigational usage, use of technology and quality of content. We found your site to be full of content, well designed, easily navigated and offering a great resource to our Internet community. Your site is being showcased in Exceptional Sites and will be listed in our award recipient section of our weekly e-zine, Marketing Adzine. This publication is sent out to several hundred subscribers. Warmest Regards, Exceptional Sites Review Team, Web-Source.net
DAK's Best of the Web - "Bronze 3-Star" Award
Congratulations! Your site received a 3 out of 5 star rating from DAK! The following are graded on a scale of 0 - 100 (higher numbers are better) - DAK
- "What makes or breaks a site is content." Content score: 75
- "The design is the difference between a good and great site." Design score: 65
- Base Score: 70 (3-Star)
- Bonus Points "More Power!" CGI = +0 Java = +0 Advanced HTML = +0 Other = +0
- Final Score = 70 (3-Star)
WebStudio.net - "The Best of the Web" Award
Congratulations - You Won the Gold, you have won the "The Best Of The Web Award." We have reviewed your site and found it to be creative and full of content. What your site offers is a useful Service to the Internet community. Your site is easy to use, friendly and graphically pleasing! Overall we believe it belongs on our list of award winners. Your site enhances the originality of our Internet community. I hope this encourages you to keep up your great work. We are connected to the Internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and we like what we are doing. We don't like keeping the sites who deserve winning the award waiting, we also return later, to those who were passed over, to see if a site has improved if so then we give the Award or up grade the site.
You should know, that our award program is independent from our web site subject. Our award is given on the merit of the site alone. It is for every site that meets our award program guidelines (content and design etc...). You are not obligated to accept the award or link to our site. What we ask you in exchange of the Award is simple, we like to have our work recognized by our visitors - so our main reward or thanks from our visitors is to have you, interact with our site, so please - use our services. Keep up the good work, you earned it. Best Regards, Garrett Sargent - The Web Studio
Marie's - All Around Outstanding Award
Hi :)) Please go here to pickup the All Around Outstanding Award: Thanks!! -- Peace, Health & Happiness Always :)) Marie
DH-Online - "Top" Award - Wolfen, Germany
Gratuliere Du hast meinen TOP-Award erhalten! :-). Ich habe mir Die Homepage angesehen und sie hat mir gefallen! Weiter so!! Congratulation! you have won my TOP_AWARD. Greetings from Wolfen, Germany. I have visited your site, and I'm very impressed. Layout, colour, graphics - they're all great! I like your work. You are a very talented diana. Keep up the great work!! cu Dieter
Enchante's "Midi-go-Round" Award
Congratulations! March 13, 1999 AWARD WINNER! Sincerely Enchante`
G "Page Cool" Award
Hi Diana - Congratulations! Your site has been awarded the G Page Cool award. Your pages exhibit coolness in both design and content!. I really enjoyed my visit and will be back soon. George
Portrait of an Angel's "First Class Site" Award
What a terrific site...definitely First-Class! We are including our award for you - Thanks for writing! Terri
"Geek of the Week" Award
Congratulations! You have been chosen as this week’s (3-14-99) "Geek of the Week". Enjoy all the hits your page gets! Spooky
Pure Illusion's - "A Step Above the Rest" Award
Congratulations from Pure Illusion Awards. We are honored to inform you that you have won the "A STEP ABOVE THE REST AWARD." None of our awards are easy to win and you should feel Honored to have received this recognition of your hard work. Linking the award back to us is NOT required but would be appreciated.
Currently only 17% of the people that apply for our awards win. You have done a fine job and I am honored to be able to present this award to you and your website. It is evident that you have worked very hard. I will have your site link up within 24 hours - you may view it at http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Park/6966/winabove.html
Again thank you for applying, tell your friends about our program and congratulations! Sandy Groff Webmistress of Pure Illusion Awards
Cyber Scans - "Beautiful Web Page" Award
Congratulations! Your web page has just received the Cyber Scans "Beautiful Web Page" Award. You have done an outstanding job creating your web page. Again, congratulations on a job well done! Regards, Jason Carlson, Chairman Cyber Scans Awards Committee.
Critical Mass Award
Hello Diana ! Congratulations!!......Your site definitely qualifies for the "Critical Mass Award". A very nice site, excellent design, beautiful original graphics and your content is informative, entertaining, presented well and easy to access. A worthy enterprise and a positive contribution to the Web. Thanks for helping make the Web a more interesting, fun and attractive place to visit. I really enjoyed my visit to your site and will return again when time permits. Your site should be posted on the "Winners List" today. Cheers...Bill Darling
Graphical Excellence Award
You Have Won the Award for Graphical Excellence from Home Based Helper. Again, Congratulations - Brett, Home Based Helper
Gifted Fox Award ®
Congratulations! Your site has qualified for the Gifted Fox Award ®. Definitely, a wonderful site! Keep up the great work!!! Katherine Fox - Owner and Designer
European Distant Suns Award
You are now the owner of an European Distant Suns (EDS) Award. We would like you to read the following, since it will bring you to understand why you are among those who has received it and also something about our policy. Thank you.
The "EDS Award" is a very popular award and difficult to achieve. Too many awards are givin' without any review what so ever from the author of the prize. We feel this is wrong, since you could have a web site filled to the edge with awards, collected on the Internet but with no value at all! So, by having this award on your web site, you can be sure you did a tremendous job.
The award represents web sites, which brings out useful in- formations of any kind to the masses. It represents sites which uses technologies such as VRML, Direct3D Javascripts, java applets and of course also future inventions. Web sites which brings you cool and useful links, elegant graphics (selfmade in particular) and relevant news is also among those sites who could be taken into consideration regarding the EDS Award. Sites dedicated to specific things, like actors/actresses, movies, sport, astronomy, art, well you name it, is highly regarded, but if a site is called for example, "official" and we find out that it's not, the request will be rejected. Finally, we look on the overall layout. You know....how the pictures are placed, if the color of the text is easy to read, things like that.
Frames is a welcome feature in our opinion and music is a most welcome feature, but there should be a possibility to stop it, since we do not all have the same music taste. You have a very nice and functional web site. Clean smooth layout and some fine pictures. We hope, that you have been encouraged to continue you work with your homepage. So, good luck in the future, with your web site. Again good luck and keep on pushing.
Best Regards Maria Jorgensen News Attendent
EuroPower - Silberner Preis für Kommerzielles Homepage
- Herzlicher Glückwunsch - Sie haben einen Euro.www.Award in Silber gewonnen. Herzlichen Dank für die Teilnahme und weiterhin viel Spaß und Erfolg im WWW. Gerald A. Gsöls
EuroPower - Silver Award for Commercial Homepage
- Congratulations - you won a Euro.www.Award in silver. Cordial thanks for the participation and further much fun and success in the WWW. Gerald A. Gsoels
Laurabell's "Best of the Best" Award
Hello there - sorry it has been so long since you sent me this letter for me to respond to. I have reviewed your site and I found that your site was wonderfull! Very creative and beautiful. Your backgrounds were ab fab! I thought that "Best of the Best" would be most suited for you. It may not be the prettiest award I have, but it best describes your page. This is my highest award. Congratulations - sincerley, Laurabell *DPatrol Deputy Raven - Thanks so much.
Brandon's Backdoors Award
Congratulations! You have just won Brandon's Backdoors Award. You have just won one of the most hard to get awards on the Internet. Good job! Brandon Nase - Admin for Brandon's Backdoors
Advice 101's "Goddess of the Web" Award
Dear Award Winner - I have reviewed your site and I see alot of dedication and talent in all of your pages - keep up the good work! I have added you to my awards page - Dr. Serra
Lonewolf's "Award of Distinction"
You have a great site - informative and well laid out. Lonewolf's Award of Distinction - Lonewolf 1
Jodi's Place - "HomeRun Site" Award
Hi Diana! Thank you for inviting me to check out your site! I've enjoyed surfing through all your pages! You have a great site! Here is my "Homerun Site" Award! Feel free to use "Things you might not know about children" - I didn't write it but I should have LOL!!! Thanks again! Jodi
High Density Computing - "Hawk" Award
Hi Diana, I reviewed Crystal Clear Reflections and I am awarding you the Hawk award. But that's not all! The week's best site receives the Bald Eagle Award and the month's best gets the Golden Eagle. Sincerely, Tom Duda - High Density Computing
JP's Web - "Jewel Of The Web" Award
Hello! Your site has won the Jewel Of The Web Award. Your site will also be added to our winners list. Once again congratulations! Jan Petterson - JP's Web - "We get old too soon and wise too late." (Won February 1999)
The Wall Family - "Blue Ribbon" Award
Hi Diana! I'm so sorry it has taken me son long to get back to you about your award application. I had family in for about 10 days then I was gone and needless to say, I fell behind, but think I am finally making headway!! I have looked over your site and it was very interesting, however, none of my awards seemed to fit it properly, therefore I have created the attached award especially for you. I feel this award best fits your site. I hope you will choose to accept this award, please enjoy.
Also you mentioned about linking to my angel pages to your new Child Awareness Pages. By all means, feel free to link to them. I certainly appreciate it!! Thank you! And thank you for having a child awareness page. Our children need all the help we can give them! Thank you for applying. Sincerely, Leslie
I Am A Proud Member Of:
Phenomenal Women Of The Web
"Phenomenal Women of the Web" Award
Congratulations... You have been accepted into a very prestigious group of women on the internet, and in turn been given the "Phenomenal Women Of The Web" seal. This is a membership into a very exclusive group of Women. The smaller seal is usually displayed on all pages, and the larger seal is left for your awards/membership page. Please don't treat or think of this as just one of your awards to be stuck away on your awards page. It is NOT an award. It is a statement of who and what you are all about, and your stand on the WWW among the millions. Again, Congratulations and welcome! Nancy Imelda Schafer - Spyder's Empire
Nova Clean "Nova 1999" Award
Hallo Diana, wir haben Deine Page besichtigt und finden sie recht gut gemacht. Der eine link mit dem Sample.gif verweist auf Deine Festplatte.....solltest Du mal ändern. Deine Page wird in ansonsten in Kuerze in unserer Gewinnerliste aufgefuehrt! So wie Deine Page aussieht weist Du wie der nachstehende HTML-Code fuer die Preisvergabe Award eingebaut wird.
Hello Diana, we visited your PAGE and to find them made quite good. The one link with the SAM polarizing GIF refers to your fixed disk.....solltest you times modify. Your PAGE is specified in otherwise shortly in our winner list! As your PAGE looks points you like the following HTML code for the Preisvergabe Award is inserted.
The HTML Students' Support Pages - "TaFWeb" Award
Hi Diana - Thanks for applying for the TaFWeb Award. I've looked at your site and am pleased to say that it meets the criteria for the TaFWeb Silver Award. I am therefore happy to attach the Award graphic to this e-mail. If you decide to display the Award on your site you are invited to include a link back to The HTML Students' Support Pages. I wish you the best of luck with your site and hope you continue to develop it. Terry Franks - diana - The HTML Students' Support Pages
Mom's Old-Fashioned "Silver Sow" Award
CONGRATULATIONS!!! YOU HAVE WON MOM’S OLD-FASHIONED SILVER SOW AWARD!!! The ‘99 Mom’s old-fashioned Sow Awards are granted only to Web Sites that have shown a particular excellence in one or more of the three following areas:
1. High-quality Original Graphic Design (high-class “eye candy”)
2. Useful, informative, or gratifying content
3. A good, effective, combination of the first two.
Each website is reviewed by Mom and Andy. Both Mom and Andy are very picky people and know what they like! Mom’s old- fashion Website Promotion Co. & pig farm has received rave reviews and Awards for Mom & Andy’s effort, content and design, and so should you. The purpose of this Award is to give recognition to all the hard work, effort and knowledge required to produce and maintain a great Web Site like yours. We want you, and the rest of the world, to know that we appreciate all the effort you have put into your Web Site.
In addition to receiving our Award, your site will also be displayed as a link on our Award page. If you think there is a Web Site that we should look at and consider for this Award, do not hesitate to E-mail us or use the form on the award page, with your nomination. A link back to our Web Site, through the award plaque, is appreciated.
Please do not link directly to the Award Plaque displayed on our page, as this uses up our bandwidth. Names of Plaques will be changed on a regular basis, thereby breaking the link.
Sincerely, Ingela F. Hyatt Marketing Manager
World Best Website "Merit" Award
CONGRATULATIONS your website has been chosen to receive our Merit Award. The Merit Award is recognition of your hard work & efforts to develop a quality site. Congratulations once again on a good website & a job well done. Rick Doran - Director - World Best Website Awards
Note: To enter for a "World Best" Award - a site must have already won the top honors in at least 6 very rigorous website awards (Level 4.5-5.0). Sites that are not initially selected to win may be granted a "Merit Award" from one of our judges. Sites granted a Merit Award may re-enter the competition after they have further developed their site.
Axt Award Winner & Hall of Fame
Congratulations - The Diffusione Immagine, Asti, Italy is pleased to announce that your site has won the "Axt Award" for "Best Quality". The Axt Award is given for content, design, and easy access of information. Please display the award graphic on your homepage. Your pages are linked at the Axt Award Hall of Fame. Sincerely, Luther Rosso - DIFFUSIONE IMMAGINE
Laurel's Award for "Cool Pages"
Hi Ya!! Sorry it has taken me sooo long to get around to this, but I am happy to announce you have won my "Award for Cool Pages". Thanks so much for applying and I loved visiting your site. I truly enjoyed myself and will visit often. Enjoy your award, you deserve it!!!!! Thanks again for applying! I look forward to hearing from you soon! Best Wishes, Laurel Mott
JoyZine - Award of Excellence
Congratulations, Diana, your excellent, informative and useful site is the recipient of the JoyZine Award of Excellence. The award icon is enclosed, and though not required, it would be appreciated if you would post the award on your site with a link back to JoyZine and The Adventures of Zoe. Your site will be posted to the Winners page shortly. Joy Williams - Artist Web Design - JoyZine and The Adventures of Zoe. Member, International dianas Association
Cindy Grumpy's - Silver Moon Award
Hi, Congratulations, you have won the award you applied for - I am attaching it to this email. I have put your link on my winners page. Thanks - Cindy Grumpy's Gathering Place - you deserve it!!!!! Thanks again for applying! I look forward to hearing from you soon! Best Wishes, Laurel Mott
Piney Mountain Press - Gold "Golden Cone Award" for Outstanding Quality
Congratulations! From all of us here at Piney Mountain Press, we would like to thank you for your web site award submission. I have visited your site and I think it certainly deserves an award. It is a good quality site and I hope that it fulfills all that you set out to achieve. No doubt that you will receive many awards for a site of this nature.
Your site has been given the Gold "Golden Cone Award" for Outstanding Quality (our highest award).
This award has been granted to you by Piney Mountain Press, Inc. Please display the attached award with pride. Again, CONGRATULATIONS and keep up the good work! Let's make the WEB a better, cleaner place! Regards: Steve E. Major Piney Mountain Press, Inc.
Wellesley "Perfect as a Site" Award
Congrats! Great Site you have:) Take care! Kate
Otakou New Zealand Online "Creative Design" Award
OTAKOU NEW ZEALAND ONLINE is associated with and members of many multiple Awards programs and we also provide our own Awards program. Details of memberships may be viewed in our Memberships section online for your interest. CONGRATULATIONS - Your website has been awarded the Otakou New Zealand Online Creative Design Award
Winning our Award is not easy - our criteria is often difficult to meet - but your success shows that, above all else, you have created a website that has quantity, quality and feeling. I therefore present you with our 'Creative Design Award'. Your web site was thoroughly reviewed/critiqued prior to award consideration. I am pleased to report your web site has received a rating of "Excellent". Well done!!
You may view the full criteria for this Award at our Website. Your website URL will be listed at Otakou for the month of your win. If you win your Award after the date of the 20th in any given month, your Award will be forwarded to you, but your listing at our website and entry for the monthly Otakou Top Ten Award will be held for the next following month. e.g. If you win your Creative Design Award on the 23rd May 1999, your listing will be in June 1999.
Regarding the monthly Otakou Top Ten Award: You do not have to re-apply. Once you are awarded the Creative Design Award, your entry is automatic. Your website will be assessed by two Judges totally unassociated with the Otakou New Zealand Online Website other than to be contracted to assess the Monthly Top Ten Award entrants.
Only the first 3 place getters receive the Graphic Award but all 10 placegetters will receive a further listing in our Top Ten Award listing for the month of your win - e.g. you win your Top Ten placing in March 1999 - you will be listed April 1999). The Top Ten Winner will also receive top billing in our monthly online Newsletter "NEWZLYNX"
We are proud to have you on our winners list; you have worked hard to create your website and to produce the standard of quality our criteria demands We would appreciate your visiting our website and signing in at our Guestbook. We value highly our winners and use our Guestbook not only for our usual visitors, but also as a showcase for our winners.
Again, CONGRATULATIONS and thankyou for the pleasure your website has given to us whilst visiting your particular area. Regards Rhonda diana
Sharon's Christian Resources "Website Excellence and Commercial Site" Awards
Congratulations Diana...your work is exceptional. You and I have much in common... I also am a graphics presentation specialist and my favorite slide show presentation software also is power point, although I do also use Corel presentations and Harvard graphics. In reviewing your site, I only found one broken link and that was your power point logo image. That is amazing odds for a site the size of yours. Congratulations on a job well done. I have attached the Website Excellence Award and the Commercial Award. I will add your site to my winner's page. Keep up the wonderful work! Sharon Sharon's Christian Resources
5th Place - Otakou "Top Ten" Award
CONGRATULATIONS - Wed, 30 Jun 1999 - Your Website CRYSTAL CLEAR REFLECTIONS has been awarded FIFTH placing in our monthly OTAKOU TOP TEN AWARD PROGRAM for the month of JUNE 1999.
Winning a Top Ten Placing is not easy - our criteria is often difficult to meet but your success shows that, above all else, you have created a website that has quantity, quality and feeling. Your web site was thoroughly reviewed/critiqued by two Judges' totally unassociated with the Otakou New Zealand Online Website other than to be contracted to assess the Monthly Top Ten Award entrants. I am pleased to report your web site has received a rating of "Excellent". Well done!! We are proud to have you on our winners list; we are aware that you have worked hard to create your website and to produce the standard of quality our criteria demands. Your website URL will be listed at Otakou for the month of July, 1999. Again, CONGRATULATIONS and thank you for the pleasure your website has given to us whilst visiting your particular area. Regards - Rhonda - diana
Euro.www.Award "Silver" Award - 1999
7/3/99 -- Diana Rogers -- Herzlicher Glückwunsch -- Sie haben einen Euro.www.Award in Silber gewonnen. Zum Einfügen des Euro.www.Award den HTML- Code kopieren und in Ihre Homepage einfügen. Herzlichen Dank für die Teilnahme und weiterhin viel Spaß und Erfolg im WWW. Gerald A. Gsöls
Diana Rogers -- Congratulations -- They won a Euro.www.Award in silver. Copy and into your homepage insert the HTML code for inserting the Euro.www.Award. Cordial thanks for the participation and further much fun and success in the WWW. Gerald A. Gsoels
Copy & Color - Rhino Award
Congratulations, Rhino Award Winner! Dear Diana, Thank you for applying for the Platinum Rhino Award. We apologize for the unreasonable length of time it has taken us to get to your site. Your page has been found to have CVD Savvy. It is easily read by persons with color vision deficiency. Congratulations! Your site name will appear on the Winners' List under the month you applied for the Platinum Rhino Award (which was probably several months ago). Your name will be added to the Winners' List which can be viewed at: http://members.aol.com/RhinoLB3/index.html
Sincerely, J. Lauri - Copy & Color by J. Lauri
Classic Diamond Award of Excellence
Dear Diana, Congratulations!!! Your site has been chosen to receive the Classic Diamond Award of Excellence. Keep up the great work!! I am also in the process of compiling a list of award winners, that will be displayed at the same URL. This list will provide a link back to your page as well. Again, congratulations on winning the Classic Diamond Award of Excellence. Have a Great Day!!! N. Doucet
Pearl Dropper - Award for Excellence
Hi Diana - The Pearldropper is proud to present Crystal Reflections with the Pearl Dropper Award for Excellence. Your site is outstanding. Keep up the good work. Thanks - Annette Vanover - The pearl Dropper
Spyder's Empire - Special Edition Excellence Award
Hello, I send you this letter because you received my award in the past - Spyder's Empire Excellence Award. I have created a Special Edition Excellence Award for previous winners. You can not apply for this award and it will not be available anywhere except if it is sent personally by myself. You may post it anywhere on your site. ~§pyder~ Nancy Imelda Schafer
Cyber Platinum Award Winner
Dear Diana Rogers , this message is sent to Cyber Platinum Award Winners. As an award winner, your site is automatically added to our award winners directory, which is similar to Yahoo and more, with the ability to search, rate a site, etc. Now that you have a award winning site, you can generate revenue from it by becoming part of e-commerce and affiliate programs. Sincerely, Cyber Platinum Award
The Web Studio - "The Best Of The Web Gold Award"
Congratulations You Won the Gold - Fri, 28 Jan 2000 - We have reviewed your site and found it to be creative and full of content. You have won the "The Best Of The Web Award." What your site offers is a useful Service to the Internet community. Your site is easy to use, friendly and graphically pleasing! Overall we believe it belongs on our list of award winners. Your site enhances the originality of our Internet community. I hope this encourages you to keep up your great work.
You should also know, that our award program is independent from our web site subject. Our award is given on the merit of the site alone - it's for every site that meets our award program guidelines (content and design etc...). You are not obligated to accept the award or link to our site. What we ask you in exchange of the award is simple - we like to have our work recognized by our visitors - so, our main reward or thanks from our visitors is to have you, interact with our site, so please - use our services. Keep up the good work, you earned it. Winners are also featured in our newsletter DirtyTips Weekly
Best Regards, Garrett Sargent The Web Studio
Amherst Christian Center - "Behold, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah Award"
"We will rejoice in thy salvation, and in the name of our God we will set up our banners...(Psalms 20:5)."
Congratulations to you and your organization as a select winner of the ACC "Behold, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah Award." Please let us know when and where you have posted the award so we can add you to our Christian top site award list. Thank You - God Bless You - Rick Nicholson diana ACC, Thu, 4 May 2000
OmPlace Award
Dear Diana - Congratulations! We have reviewed your website, and the Metaphysics section certainly qualifies for our OmPlace Award. Good job! I especially liked your Tarot section. We have not yet made up a page of award winners, but it is on our list of things to do and should be up sometime within the next month or so. We appreciate your support of OmPlace, and are happy to be associated with your website. Namaste, Susan Parker - OmPlace.com
ByRegion Healers - Best of Websites Award
Dear Diana, Congratulations! We have reviewed your website, and it certainly qualifies for our ByRegion Award. Good job! We are happy to be associated with your website! Namaste, Susan Parker ByRegion.net
ByRegion Artists - Best of Websites Award
Dear Diana, Congratulations! We have reviewed your website, and it certainly qualifies for our ByRegion Award. Good job! We are happy to be associated with your website! Namaste, Susan Parker ByRegion.net