We all seek solutions to our problems. We look for someone or something that can help us resolve our conflicts, give us a sense of security, fulfill our hopes and remove our anxieties. The TAROT helps fulfill our basic need for self-understanding. You might consider it messages through symbolism - messages urging us to look for the truths buried deep within our subconscious mind - truths that help us recognize our choices and clarify our goals.
~ Mary K. Greer
"Energy" is the focus of Crystal Clear Reflection readings. The energy we carry with us from past experiences is stored in our subconscious mind as a memory. This energy regenerates itself as a "feeling" any time a current situation begins to reveal signs or "flags" which are similar to a past experience. These feelings convey an important message for those who are willing to listen - they are "red or green lights" helping us to choose how we wish to proceed in the current situation.
As we come to know and become familiar with our own energy - we begin to connect to the energy that surrounds us...we learn to distinguish between our own energy and the energy of someone entering our "space". This awareness helps us determine our response. We at Crystal Clear Reflections use the TAROT cards to provide a "picture" of the energy surrounding your situation - a picture which views your situation from different perspectives - helping you to "see" things in a new light.